Monday Marriage: Celebrating the Ordinary
Tired of all the advice about marriage? Especially when you try it and it doesn’t work? You believed the experts when they guaranteed to improve your communication, bring ecstasy to your love life, or promised to make you and your spouse soulmates? Maybe you read it in a popular book, saw it on a talk show, or heard it from a well-known speaker. At first it was so convincing and for a while it seemed to work. But then reality hit.
In Monday Marriage, Gerald W. and L. Marlene Kaufman offer another way to find real contentment in marriage. They suggest that you take a rain check on the fantasies. They know that all couples have stresses that come from work, children, finances, and many distractions. The Kaufmans help you find ways to manage your life. They especially want couples to be realistic about each other when the mystery and intense romance disappears.
This book is about discovering the wonderful things that occur in the daily routines of marriage. Things that many couples miss because they chase impossible dreams and fantasies. For example, the quiet of an evening together after the kids are in bed. Sometimes without a word being said! Maybe the closeness comes from an unsolicited back rub. Mainly they are close because nothing else is allowed to come between them. That is when they discover a richly ordinary marriage. What the Kaufmans call Monday Marriage.