Sports & Nutrition Patient Education Resource Manual (Aspen Patient Education Manual Series)
The Sports Nutrition Patient Education Resource Manual contains more than 100 patient education handouts created specifically for educating athletes about nutrition. The Manual is a comprehensive resource complete with ready-to-use patient handouts and practitioner reference materials covering a breadth of topics, including: general dietary information, sources of energy, essential nutrients, assessment, general and age-specific guidelines, special conditions, and sport-specific nutritional requirements. The Manual is designed to aid the sports nutritionist in counseling athletes of all ages and abilities about proper diet and exercise. Calculations for training diets, sample menus, nutrient and fluid intake guidelines, and nutritional comparison charts are just some of the education tools available to practitioners. Ready-to-use questionnaires and assessment forms make recording patient history quick and simple, and a tracking form is provided to assist in choosing materials specific to patient's needs. For Orders and Inquiries, please call: 1-888-427-5800.