Making Church Relevant: Book 2 (Beeson Pastoral Series)
Winning the unchurched secularist is the most pressing challenge faced by contemporary churches. -Dale GallowayWould you believe that over 40 percent of the worshipers in your congregation attend a church service they were not raised in? Incredibly, the church today is ministering to an increasing number of unbelievers, seekers and new followers who have little or no background in the church. A church that chooses to face the challenge of the 21st century also has the opportunity for integrating outreach and discipleship in virtually untouched soil. In developing a healthy and vibrant church, pastors and church leaders must recognize the shifting patterns in culture that will ultimately affect the life of the church. Worship, ministry, and service are just some of the timeless issues that must be redefined for a new kind of believer.Making Church Relevant brings together leaders on the cutting-edge of church growth to look at the present and challenge the future. Pioneers such as Bill Hybels, Walter Kallestad, George Hunter III, Tom Benjamin, and Dale Galloway share their wisdom and insight pastors to energize, motivate and encourage. Cloth.