Temptations Families Face: Breaking Patterns That Keep Us Apart
After growing in marriage for over three decades, living in different parts of the country, working at a variety of jobs, and raising four biological and adopted children, Tom and Judie Eisenman have faced some of the toughest questions family life can throw at us. As a result they have a wealth of ideas and practical suggestions to offer those lured by patterns that could pull them apart.
But they have more. Here is a wisdom honed by God's Spirit and built on God's Word. It is a wisdom that goes beyond concrete advice to a powerful perspective on family life that can carry you through good times and bad. It knows that sometimes the forces damaging families are not always outside the home but sometimes inside the home too.
If you know that life is not full of pat answers and simple solutions, if you know that keeping a family together takes work and creativity, if you know that God is in the business of building families for his glory, then this book is for you.