Robert Kennedy: Biography of a Compulsive Politician
The book begins with the tragedy of November 22, 1963 and ends with that of June 6, 1968, wherein two famous brothers were murdered. In exhaustive details, the author presents Bobby’s many faceted life: from the times of his youth to when a foreign gunman felled him. Consummate interpretations bring into focus a youthful but complex man caught in vital dilemmas of his time: 1. The Bay of Pigs invasion 2. The Manchester affair 3. President Johnson’s decision not to be a presidential candidate 4. Rumors relating to Marilyn Monroe before and after her death, and, 5. His run for the presidency. The book finally ends with the on-the-scene description of the shooting and the subsequent investigation which, to this day, remains incomplete. Throughout his life, as the author observes, Robert Kennedy’s compulsivity became evident both in his private and public life.