Missional Worship: Increasing Attendance and Expanding the Boundaries of your Church
The number one question worship leaders ask is: "how can we increase worship attendance in our church?" At least that is the question behind every other question that is posed. Here's the simple answer: It's all about the worship. It's all about you seeking after God each day by incorporating spiritual practices in your life and allowing God to lead you into the mission field so that you can invite those persons to the life that is in Christ and to your church. Worship is not just what we do on Sunday-it is a way of life. And Missional Worship is not just a "how-to" book. It's so much more! This is a "how-to" book, a "why" book, and a "resource" book. Transform your life, your church, and how you approach the idea of "worship" by following the practices author Cathy Townley lays out in this book.