Tanya Bilingual Revised Edition, Deluxe (Bi-Lingual Deluxe)
The bi-lingual edition of the Tanya, which is considered the "Written Torah" of Chasidism has contributed enormously to this global interest, both initiating and answering the quest for a deeper share in Chasidut, forthose not fluent enough with Hebrew to use the original always. The newly revision (1973) is now the standard. We've revised and added these features: fresh, easy-to-read typeface, Hebrew text from the 2010 Hebrew revision, consistent style throughout, translations of Scripture updated, corrected. All footnotes show on the page on which referenced, and longer English text and notes are completed with a repetition of the corresponding Hebrew text facing on the next folio. A grey bar by the Hebrew tells section. Supplements are now named "addendum," and are paged left to right and user-friendly. Glossary covers all the Tanya, with new detailed indices and bibliography. Includes Mystical Concepts in Chassidism.