The Covenant of the Heart: Meditations of a Christian Hermeticist on the Mysteries of Tradition
Drawing on the ancient and often forgotten sources of esoteric Christianity, the author reflects on the mysteries of humanity’s covenant with God in history. The power of these meditations is that they reflect the author’s personal spiritual journey into the depths of God’s kingdom within — within the soul, within personal relationships, within nature, and within the cosmos.
Part one describes an encounter with the Father through the miracles of the Creation, the Fall, and, through Moses’ acceptance of the Covenant of the Old Testament, the Ten Commandments.
Part two is a meditation on the seven miracles of Christ in the Gospel of St. John. It culminates in the raising of Lazarus; the miracle of being raised from forgetfulness; sleep and death to remembrance, wakefulness, and resurrection. In this way, Lazarus becomes a paradigm for understanding the spiritual and cultural history of humanity.
Part three considers the encounter with the Holy Spirit and living out Christ’s life through the Church. We are asked to reflect on the three Kingdoms of God, humankind, and nature, which give natural order and meaning to the Christian life. The union of love and prayer in the Spirit is the focus of an epilogue, in which we are invited to see our natural breathing as breathing the breath of God.