Critical Thinking: Readings in Nonfiction, High School
Now in its third edition, this best-seller helps high schooler's boost their comprehension and critical thinking when reading nonfiction.
59 short passages have been selected for Critical Thinking: Readings in Nonfiction, covering a wide range of topics, with provocative titles:
Inside a Whale's Belly,
The Birth of the Saxophone,
The Unsolved Mystery of the Don,
Do You Believe in Dreams?
...and 55 more.
Each passage is followed by a mix of standardized test-like multiple-choice and open-ended questions. Students are prompted to critique the writers assumptions, while developing their own analytical skills.
The 59 passages are grouped in units that target specific critical-thinking skills, such as:
Citing Evidence to Support a Position or Point of View.
Drawing Valid Conclusions from Data Studied.
Recognizing and Remembering Key Ideas.