Shonen Art Studio: Everything You Need to Create Your Own Shonen Manga Comics
Featuring everything from the simple camaraderie of a sports team or the humorous adventures of young men and their love interests to secret clans of ninja warriors or super-powered humans battling to save the earthfrom the mundane to sci-fi to fantasy, there is literally no limit to where you can take your shonen manga story. This ultimate guide, with its accompanying CD, includes everything you need to make your own gutsy, action-packed shonen manga. Background scenes, speech balloons, equipment, vehicles, and dozens of character designs: the CD offers a huge variety of templates you can fully customize with Photoshop¢ and Illustrator¢. Whether you’re a beginner who prefers to work with the hundreds of combinations of line art and accents provided, or a more experienced shonen creator who customizes your comic to your own personal style, the overview of digital art tools, plus tips and illustrations, will help you create the most professional looking