No Exit and the Flies
The original CliffsNotes study guides offer expert commentary on major themes, plots, characters, literary devices, and historical background — all to help you gain greater insight into great works you're bound to study for school or pleasure.
In CliffsNotes on Sartre's No Exit & The Flies, you examine two well-known plays by Jean-Baptiste Sartre and discover how Sartre uses his work to put forth his philosophy of existentialism. Both plays were written during the Nazi occupation of France in WWII and deal with the central of theme of freedom, which is a hallmark of Sartre's existential philosophy.
In this study guide, you'll find Life of the Author, as well as detailed Summaries and Commentaries of both plays. You'll also find critical essays on the following topics:
- Sartrean existentialism: Principles and philosophies, existentialism before Sartre, an overview of existentialism, and Sartre's specific principles of existentialism
- Sartre's political ideas
- Sartre's dramatic formula
- Plus suggested essay topics and a selected bibliography
Classic literature or modern-day treasure — you'll understand it all with expert information and insight from CliffsNotes study guides.