Giants in the Earth (Cliff Note's Edition)
The original CliffsNotes study guides offer expert commentary on major themes, plots, characters, literary devices, and historical background — all to help you gain greater insight into great works you're bound to study for school or pleasure.
In CliffsNotes on Rölvaag's Giants in the Earth, you explore the story of Norwegian pioneers as they cross the Great Plains of America and the hardships they endure while trying to build a settlement. The greatness of this novel lies in the manner in which Rölvaag manages to bring out the emotions engendered in each of the pioneers — how they reacted to the loneliness and desolation of the prairie and how they adjusted to it . . . or didn't.
In this study guide, you'll find information about the author, a Brief Synopsis, and Critical Commentaries on each chapter of Giants in the Earth. You'll also find a list of characters, in-depth character analyses, and more:
- An introduction to the novel
- Essay topics and review questions
- A selected bibliography
Classic literature or modern-day treasure — you'll understand it all with expert information and insight from CliffsNotes study guides.