Voici LA France
This full-color textbook, all in French, provides a historical and contemporary overview of the French people. Voici la France will complement any basal textbook for intermediate to advanced students. Topics include Geographie, Climat, Les origines des Francais, Le developpement de l'etat-nation, La France et le francais dans le monde, Vie quotidienne, L'art de la cuisine, Problemes, L'education, Sports, Fetes, Amenagement du territoire, Industries de pointe, Constitution et politique, Arts et sciences, Les regions. Voici la France gives your students practice in all four skills. The colorfully illustrated textbook includes questions, activities, and paired/group discussion topics for speaking practice. The workbook section within the textbook includes writing exercises and listening activities based on the audiocassette. There is a French-English glossary at the back of the book.