Proceedings of the International Conference on Algebra Dedicated to the Memory of A.I. Malcev, Parts 1, 2, 3 (Contemporary Mathematics)
In August 1989, more than 700 Soviet algebraists and more than 200 foreign mathematicians convened in Novosibirsk in the former Soviet Union for the International Conference on Algebra. Dedicated to the memory of A. I. Mal'cev, the great Russian algebraist and logician, the conference marked the first time since the International Congress of Mathematicians was held in Moscow in 1966 that Soviet algebraists could meet with a large number of their foreign colleagues. This volume contains the proceedings from this historic conference. Some of the Soviet contributions to this volume are not easily available from other sources.
Some of the major figures in the field, including P. M. Cohn, P. Gabriel, N. Jacobson, E. R. Kolchin, and V. Platonov, contributbed to this volume. The papers span a broad range of areas including groups, Lie algebras, associative and nonassociative rings, fields and skew fields, differential algebra, universal algebra, categories, combinatorics, logic, algebraic geometry, geometry, topology, and mathematical physics.