What's Happening in the Mathematical Sciences, Volume 4
This volume is fourth in the much-acclaimed AMS series, What's Happening in the Mathematical Sciences. The lively style and in-depth coverage of some of the most important ""happenings"" in mathematics today make this publication a delightful and intriguing read accessible to a wide audience. High school students, professors, researchers, engineers, statisticians, computer scientists--anyone with an interest in mathematics--will find captivating material in this book. As we enter the 21st century, What's Happening presents the state of modern mathematics and its worldwide significance in a timely and enduring fashion. Featured articles include ... ``From Wired to Weird'', on advances that are encouraging research in quantum computation. ``A Prime Case of Chaos'', on new connections between number theory and theoretical physics. ``Beetlemania: Chaos in Ecology'', on new evidence for chaotic dynamics in an actual population. ``A Blue-Letter Day for Computer Chess'', on the mathematics underlying Deep Blue's victory over Garry Kasparov, and much more!