Trade and Transport Facilitation Assessment: A Practical Tooklit for Country Implementation (World Bank Studies)
The 'Trade and Transport Facilitation Assessment' (TTFA) is a tool for identifying inefficiencies in international supply chains that limit a country’s ability to compete in international trade. The TTFA examines problems that affect not only exports competitiveness, but also the ability to import and distribute inputs to production and consumer goods. This new TTFA toolkit was developed to meet the growing demand for facilitation and logistics reforms in an environment of increasing global competition and expanded trade in intermediate goods. It reflects practical experience and the change in the nature of demand from developing countries. The TTFA focuses on simplification and harmonization of trade-related procedures and identifies the opportunities for improving logistics services, infrastructure, and the overall performance of specific supply chains. It also outlines practices to develop plans of action with proper interactions with government agencies and stakeholders.