From Many Lands: Voices of the Poor
'From Many Lands' gives us an opportunity to meet the invisible people, see their invisible world, and hear their voices as they talk among themselves and talk to us. What this will mean to us, that is up to us to decide.
Muhammad Yunus
Founder and Managing Director; Grameen Bank
Voices of the Poor is a multicountry research initiative to understand poverty from the standpoint of the poor. The Voices of the Poor project was undertaken to inform the World Bank's activities and the World Development Report 2000/2001.
There are three books from this project:
Can Anyone Hear Us? This volume gathers the voices of over 40,000 poor women and men in 50 countries from the World Bank's participatory poverty assessments.
Crying Out For Change. This book pulls together new field work conducted in 1999 in 23 countries.
From Many Lands presents 14 country case studies and concludes with an overview chapter on an empowering approach to development.
Oxford University Press ISBN 0-19-521603-2 World Bank ISBN 0-8213-5049-8