Changing Patterns of Illiteracy in Morocco: Assessment Methods Compared (LSMS WORKING PAPER)
Living Standards Measurement Study No. 115. Estimates the incidence, characteristics, and patterns of change over time of illiteracy in Morocco. Improving the quality of information on literacy and understanding its relationship to important social and economic behaviors and outcomes is essential for the design of policies and programs aimed at reducing illiteracy. In Morocco, the incidence of illiteracy is still very high, and the government is determined to reduce it. This study estimates the incidence, characteristics, and patterns of change over time of illiteracy in this North African nation to identify where the need for intervention is greatest and to develop proper methods for evaluating program effectiveness. The authors compare the results from direct literacy assessment with the conventional methods of self-reported literacy. This effort provides detailed, objective information with which patterns of literacy skills may be determined and their relationship to other important social and economic behaviors and outcomes analyzed. It also provides an opportunity to examine thoroughly the reliability and validity of common proxy indicators used to estimate literacy rates and skill levels.