17 Papal Documents on the Rosary
TABLE OF CONTENTS: * Paul VI: 1.) Rosaries to the Mother of Christ -- 2.) Month of Mary) -- 3.) Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary (Marialis Cultus) Feb. 2, 1974) ------------ * JOHN XXIII: 1.) Mysteries of the Rosary (these meditations are beautiful but only of 15 mysteries) -- 2.) Grateful memory) ----------- * POPE LEO XIII: 1.) Efficary of the Rosary in History (Encyclical Supremi Apostolatus Sept. 1, 1883) -- 2.) Queen of the Most Holy Rosary (Apostolic Letter Salutaris ille Dec. 24, 1883) -- 3.) In prayer with Mary (Encyclical Superiore anno August 30, 1884) -- 4.) The Victories of the Rosary (Letter Vi e ben noto, to the Bishops of Italy September 20, 1887) -- 5.) The Perfect Mediatrix (Encyclical Octobri mense Sept. 22, 1891) -- 6.) Power and Bounty of Mary (Encyclical Magnae Dei Matris Sept. 8 1892) -- 7.) The Practice of Mediation (Encyclical Jucunda simper Sept. 8, 1894) -- 8.) The Mother of Christian Unity (Encyclical Adiutricem populi Sept. 5, 1895) -- 9.) Close to the Mediator (Encyclical Fidentem Piumque Sept. 20, 1896) -- 10.) Mary Imploring Omnipotence (Encyclical Augustissimae Sept. 12, 1897) -- 11.) Marian Accomplishments of Leo XIII (Encyclical Diuturni Temporis Sept.5, 1898) -- 12.) Restorer of the Christian Order (Apostolic Letter Parta humano generi Sept. 8, 1901)