Common Sense Approach to Thermal Imaging (SPIE Press Monograph Vol. PM86)
Copublished with JCD Publishing. Thorough explanation of heat transfer, with concepts supported by thermograms. Intended for all who work with thermal imaging systems: researchers, system designers, test engineers, sales staff, and military and civilian end users.
- Introduction
- Heat
- Blackbody radiation
- Emissivity
- Atmospheric transmittance
- Camera design
- Performance parameters
- Camera selection
- Observer training
- Introduction to applications
- Target Signatures
- Temperature measurements
- Building envelope inspections
- Roof inspections
- Power distribution
- Electrical/Mechanical Inspection
- Buried objects
- Surveillance
- Nondestructive testing
- Process/ quality control
- Inspection procedures
- Appendix A: Temperature conversion
- Appendix B: Emissivity
- Appendix C: Thermal Sensing and Imaging
- Index