Uncertain Seasons
Uncertain Seasons is a childhood memoir that spans the years of World War II, and the narrative of Sari's life is interspersed with letters to various family members from her Uncle Howard, an army lieutenant.
In this powerful work of creative nonfiction, Elizabeth Morgan recreates a child's daily life in a small agricultural community in northwest Florida near the Georgia border. Sari's hope and innocence of impending adolescence contrast sharply with her Uncle Howard's maturation as a soldier, his hard-earned despair, and a growing distaste for the business of war. Howard's relationships with individual family members and the bond he feels with his community are evident in his frequent anecdotes and references to traditional family occasions. His letters home begin in 1941 and describe his service in North Africa, Sicily, and England; they end with his death in France in 1944. Sari's narrative of changing scenes in a secure family and well-ordered community provides the counterpoint for her uncle's letters. Together they offer a deep sense of hope and place, as well as a strong statement against war.