Encyclopedia of War Crimes and Genocide (Facts on File Library of World History)
This A-to-Z encyclopedia examines the entire history of crimes against humanity, during both wartime and peacetime. With more than 450 entries, the encyclopedia covers a wide range of relevant topics: human rights, war criminals, trials of war crimes, examples of genocide, international organizations and international law concerning war crimes, and more. Also included is a primary resources section of documents vital to understanding this subject.
Coverage includes: Amnesty International, apartheid, Armenian genocide, Babi Yar, Klaus Barbie, biological weapons, Bosnia and Herzegovinia, Cambodia, collateral damage, conflict diamonds, Darfur, Francois "Papa Doc" Duvalier, El Salvador, ethnic cleansing, Freedom House, Geneva Conventions, ghost prisoners, gulags, Human Rights Convention, Saddam Hussein, International Committee of the Red Cross, My Lai massacre, North Korea, Pol Pot, Rwanda, Shining Path, slavery, Taliban, Desmond Tutu, and Simon Wiesenthal.