A Boy a Ball a Dream: The Amazing Life of the World's Most Devoted Basketball Junkie, Tom J. Toody Cirincione
Christopher Publishing House, Hanover, MA [Published Date: 1993]. Hardcover, 253 pp. Black and white illustrations. [From jacket flaps] This book is about the unbelievable life of Pittsburgh-native Tom J. "Toody' Cirincione. At only 5'5" and bearing a strong resemblance to Woody Allen, Toody hardly appears to be a likely candidate to be one of the best known men in the world of college basketball. But he is! Says Arizona coach Lute Olson, "I'm not sure if there's anyone in the game today, who's not maybe a big-time coach, who's better known than Toody." Toody has become the biggest of college basketball's many interesting subculture figures by relentlessly chasing for more than 25 years a dream of becoming a college basketball coach. During that quarter-century span, he did virtually everything imaginable to become a coach...A Boy, A Ball, A Dream captures the eccentricity of Toody. The book relates the comedy in his life: from his legendary date with the farmer's wife in Buie's Creek,