Complementary Alternative Medicine: An Evidence-Based Approach
This practical textbook eliminates the uncertainty of alternative treatments by helping you critique their effectiveness. Review the essentials of scientific and clinical trials and apply that knowledge to an exhaustive review of trials performed on popular treatments. The findings offer firm, scientific evidence to support, and in some cases, refute, the biochemical/biomechanical effectiveness of complementary therapies. This approach provides practical information on how to effectively incorporate alternative therapies with more traditional treatments.
* Organization by major medical disciplines and relevant conditions makes information easy to find and access * Exhaustive, to-date clinical research on alternative therapies provides a new level of confidence in clinical decision making * Visual tables list the results and clinical references on CAM therapies to help you easily access and break down complex results and clinical references * Clear, readable, objective text gives you crucial information that's immediately useful * Glossary of terms makes sense of unfamiliar words and treatments * Suggested readings refer you to even more useful information