Manual of Medical-Surgical Nursing Care: Nursing Interventions and Collaborative Management
Using a convenient, handbook-sized format, this manual offers nurses quick, easy access to clinical information formerly found only in medical-surgical textbooks or large manuals. It is the first reference of its size to feature the application of nursing diagnoses and interventions for more than 165 health alterations. Focusing on NANDA-approved nursing diagnoses that are specific to each disorder, the manual also provides a quick review of pathophysiology, physical assessment, diagnostic testing, collaborative management, patient/family teaching, and discharge planning data.
* The outcome criteria are specific, positive statements that facilitate evaluation of care. * The order of presentation of the information in each health alteration provides a hierarchy of data that enables the nurse to make nursing diagnoses and plan interventions specific to each patient. * Nursing diagnoses and interventions are presented for preoperative and postoperative patients, patients on prolonged bed rest, patients with cancer and life disrupting illness, and older adults.
Spanish version also available, ISBN: 84-8174-465-4