Delivering Knock Your Socks Off Service (Knock Your Socks Off Series)
Today’s customers are smarter and more demanding -- and with so many choices available, repeat business is at greater risk than ever before. The fourth edition of this customer service bestseller still delivers the proven Knock Your Socks Off formula, and has been updated with all new techniques that will help anyone successfully work with even the most difficult customers. Featuring brand-new chapters on important topics such as understanding cultural and generational differences in customers, plus fresh anecdotes and never-before-seen illustrations by cartoonist John Bush, this indispensable guide shows readers how to create a true and lasting "Service Advantage." Written in the same accessible and humorous style that made this book a classic, the new edition provides tips and strategies to help readers:
* meet customers’ expectations and satisfy their needs
* become easy to do business with
* determine the right times to bend or break the rules
* become fantastic fixers and powerful problem-solvers
* cope effectively with "customers from hell."
Extensively updated and expanded, the best-selling front-line customer service book ever published is now even better.