Health Writer's Handbook
Die of or die? Fever or temperature? Sign or symptom? The health Writer’s Handbook is a worthy successor to Strunk & White. Barbara Gastel offers good advice on getting started in one of journalism’s most satisfying specialties. –Lynne Lamberg, Medical Writer and editor
The Health Writer’s Handbook offers expert practical guidance to current or prospective health writers who wish to communicate effectively about medical subjects ad to build a satisfying career in an expanding field. Like the writing process, this book begins with choosing topics. Author Barbara Gastel suggests ways of gathering and evaluating information before she moves on to the mechanics of crafting a piece. She addresses questions about technique, genres, sensitivity, and style, as well as presenting information on risk and ethical issues. Special features include:
- Annotated examples of health writing
- Internet sites and toll-free numbers useful to health writers
Key information sources - An extensive bibliography
- Career options
- Awards for health writing
- Professional organizations for health writers
- Cartoons by Sidney Harris and others