Fly the Wing, Third Edition
Newly updated to include coverage of modern cockpit automation, "Fly the Wing, Third Edition", provides pilots with valuable tools and proven techniques for all flight operations. Also new to this edition is a companion CD-Rom with a complete glossary of flight terms, printable quick reference handbooks, and numerous supporting graphics. Pilots planning a career in aviation will find that this book provides important insights that other books miss. Although directed primarily at the commercial pilot, "Fly the Wing" provides fascinating reading for pilots of small aircraft too. With a realistic look at the problems that confront pilots of large aircraft, authors Walker and Webb provide wisdom that applies to all pilots. Written in easy, conversational style, this invaluable reference progresses from ground school equipment and procedures, to simulators, to real flight. Along the way, the authors cover the physical, psychological and technical preparation needed by pilots to acquire an ATP rating while maintaining the highest standards of performance. Although not intended to replace training manuals, "Fly the Wing" is by itself a course in advanced aviation. With clear explanations and in-depth coverage, this book has been described as "a full step beyond the normal training handbook." Pilots desiring additional knowledge in the fields of modern flight deck automation, high speed aerodynamics, high altitude flying, speed control, take-offs, and landings in heavy, high performance aircraft, will do well to read and retain this book.