Medical Anthropology in Ecological Perspective
The newest edition of the premier teaching text in medical anthropology is thoroughly revised to reflect new developments in the field. Widespread awareness of emerging infectious diseases and global environmental change makes the ecological perspective of the McElroy-Townsend text even more relevant to students than when it was first published. Medical Anthropology in Ecological Perspective integrates biocultural, environmental, and evolutionary approaches to the study of human health. Research by human biologists and paleopathologists illuminates the history and prehistory of disease, while the work of cultural and applied anthropologists addresses contemporary health issues. Celebrating the book's 25th anniversary, the Fourth Edition includes increased coverage of emerging diseases, evolutionary medicine, the homeless, health disparities, and forensic anthropology. New chapters treat reproduction and careers in applied medical anthropology. New Profiles” (case studies) on stress and toxic chemicals have been added and other profiles have been updated, further augmenting the classroom-friendly features the book is noted for.