A Bouquet of Roses: Glorious Arrangements for All Occasions
Rose lovers rejoice! The stunning arrangements in A Bouquet of Roses offer fresh inspiration and trade secrets from professional stylist and floral designer Christina Wressell. Her expert advice makes the most of the worlds most popular flower, with tips on finding and selecting the best varieties, making bold color choices, displaying arrangements in unique containers, and preparing and conditioning stems and petals for lasting results. Arranged by color, thirty glorious bouquets feature a profusion of varieties. From elegant home accents such as vintage bowls bursting with heady blossoms to handheld bouquets like classic bridal arrangements to the wonderfully surprising addition of a lavish Victorian kissing ball, there are designs in here for every occasion. Beautifully photographed and budding with inspiration and straightforward instruction, A Bouquet of Roses is a true celebration of the most beloved of flowers.