The Main Trail
Ralph J. Hall, a native of the West Texas cattle country, dropped out of school because of eye trouble. Even though he had not attended college or seminary, he was commissioned a Sunday School missionary by the Presbytery of Boulder. Then, in 1916, after private instruction and determined study, he was ordained to the gospel ministry. In 1941, the honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity was conferred on his by the Grove City College in Grove City, Pennsylvania. He has been the subject of many write-ups in church publications and also in Time and The Saturday Evening Post. Three motion pictures have been made about his missionary work: The Vanishing Frontier, a silent picture made in 1920; Cowboy's Hitching Post, filmed in color in the late forties with narration added; Altars of God, photographed in color and also with dialog in 1955. He is now retires and living in Santa Fe, New Mexico. --- from book's back cover