Thinking Print: Books to Billboards, 1980-95
From Barbara Kruger's screenprinted feminist billboards to Felix Gonzalez-Torres's stacks of posters featuring head shots of people killed by guns; from Elizabeth Murray's colorful abstract lithographs to Anselm Kiefer's woodcuts embedded in Germany history; from Lucian Freud's moody figure study etchings to Donald Judd's rigid, monochromatic, serially geometric woodcuts--Thinking Printis a broad, ambitious, and varied survey of printed art from the last two decades . Exploring the role of prints, deluxe illustrated books, inexpensive artist's books, and editioned multiples in contemporary art, this exceptionally comprehensive volume covers 235 works by some 147 artists, and includes essays on techniques, formats, and themes, as well as biographic notes on all of the artists and publishers. Originally published on the occasion of a 1996 exhibition at The Museum of Modern Art, New York.