Historical Dictionary of Bangladesh (Historical Dictionaries of Asia, Oceania, and the Middle East)
Bangladesh is not one of the best-known Asian countries, and appears in the media only at times of difficulty. This country deserves to be better known because it has overcome adversity and produced a reasonably democratic regime and a sufficient economic system. Moreover, it has produced writers and artists of genius and has a culture it can be proud of. It is also an important outpost of Islam and, with a population of some 130 million, it is one of the largest countries in the world.
This Third Edition, enables readers to know Bangladesh better, reaching back to earlier periods under varied rules, then as part of British India, next merely East Pakistan, and finally, as a state in its own right. It is this modern state that is explored most intensively, with numerous entries on important persons, places, events and institutions, as well as social and cultural aspects. This reference work is rounded out with a chronology, introduction and bibliography.