Conscience and Jung's Moral Vision: From Id to Thou (Jung and Spirituality)
David Robinson's new book is unique in that it provides an extended critical exposition of Jung's moral psychology and a comparative analysis of his theory of conscience in particular. The author corrects this absence by providing a fresh and original reading of Jung. In contrast to simplistic stereotypes, he demonstrates that moral struggle--with all of its relational, behavioral, and spiritual implications--is at the heart of his psychology.
The concept of conscience serves as the locus of this apologetic for his contemporary significance. Further, this book offers a positive theory for identifying and describing the primary sources of contemporary moral nihilism, namely, reductive naturalism (scientism) and epistological relativism (perspectivalism). The logic and root assumptions of these theoretical viewpoints are then engaged and qualified--if not refuted--through an extended, comparative discussion of the theories of Freud and Nietzsche with those of Jung.