The Government Contracts Reference Book: A Comprehensive Guide to the Language of Procurement
Successful government contracting requires the use of precise, up-to-date terminology, as well as a firm understanding of current regulatory and case law. This quick-reference guide saves time and makes your job easier by providing ready definitions for more than 1500 terms, phrases and acronyms used in government procurement.
Completely up-to-date terminology reflects statutory and regulatory changes, including some 600 terms relating directly to the rules and procedures mandated by various statutes and regulations, including: the Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act, the Clinger-Cohen Act, the Federal Acquisition Regulation and agency FAR supplements.
Written by preeminent experts on government contracts, Ralph C. Nash, Jr., Karen O'Brien-DeBakey, and Steven L. Schooner, The Government Contracts Reference Book provides clear explanations for general terms related to government procurement, as well as agency-specific terms from the Department of Defense, General Services Administration, Department of Energy, other agencies. Each explanation includes a summary of where the term is used in the statutes or regulations, including citations to the source documents. Organized in an easy-to-use alphabetical format and fully cross-referenced, this essential reference will help you manage all aspects of the procurement process with greater efficiency and confidence.
The ideal starting point for further research!
When you need to explore a term or topic further, The Government Contracts Reference Book serves as an invaluable research tool. You'll find:
- Current citations to FAR, DFARS, DEAR, NFS and other regulations, as well as to pertinent statutes, federal court decisions, administrative board decisions, and other important material
- Frequent references to sources of additional information, including some 50 texts, scores of articles from more than 30 different periodicals and many other types of documents issued by both government and private industry
- Web and Internet addresses for dozens of government and industry resources are also included
- Cross-references provided in ALL CAPS for ease of use