Government Contracts Reference Book
Save time and eliminate errors with this quick-reference, A-Z guide to the language of procurement! Successful government contracting requires the use of precise, up-to-date terminology, as well as a firm understanding of current regulatory and case law. This quick-reference guide will save you time and make your job easier, by providing ready definitions for more than 1500 terms, phrases and acronyms used in government procurement. Completely up-to-date terminology reflects recent statutory and regulatory changes, including some 400 new terms relating directly to the recent rules and procedures mandated by the Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act (FASA) of 1994, the Clinger-Cohen Act of 1996, and the recent revisions to FAR Part 15. Written by noted government contracting experts, The Government Contracts Reference Book provides clear explanations of both general and agency-specific terms from the Department of Defense, General Services Administration, Department of Energy, NASA an