The Quimby Manuscripts
For many years a mass of documents of interest to Christian Scientists and to their critics as well, has been withheld from publication, although earnestly sought. These documents were written by Dr. P. P. Quimby, of Portland, Maine, and contain his views regarding mental and spiritual healing. They became familiar to Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy when she visited Dr. Quimby as a patient, before the days of Christian Science, and it has been charged by her critics that many of the ideas later promulgated in Christian Science teachings were born of the Quimby's theories. In order to set this controversy at rest, many attempts have been made to gain access to the Quimby manuscripts, but heretofore without success except in piecemeal or disjointed form. The present editor, however, has been fortunate in securing from Mrs. George A. Quimby, owner of the manuscripts, permission to print the documents in full. This edition of the manuscript is a publishing event of major importance, since it makes available in paperback form one of the truly scientific works on spiritual healing.