The Key to Triumphant Living: An Adventure in Personal Discovery
"The Key To Triumphant Living" has one central theme - instead of trying to live the Christian life, let God instead live His life through you.Some of the points covered include:1. We can be so busy trying to be like Christ and trying to do His work that we disallow His work in us.2. Instead of representing heaven, Canaan represents the victory we can have now on earth.3. Christ did not come to improve self, He came to replace it.4. The Christian is of no use to God unless he is dead to self.5. God does not need a greatness in numbers to get His job done.6. The devil is a hinderer, deceiver, and an accuser. The secret to defeating him is "Christ in you, the hope of glory!"7. We need to accept the fact of our indequacy and praise the Lord for His adequacy in us.A great read that will encourage you to stop trying to live the Chrstian life in your strength and instead let God live His life in and through you!