More Than Earthlings: An Astronaut's Thoughts for Christ-Centered Living
By James B. Irwin. Cover design by Stephen Smith. Also included is a small pamphlet title Footprints on the Moon, with Col. Irwin's photo in astronaut dress on the first page. An astronaut's thought for Christ-centered lliving. ISBN 0-8054-5255-9. Is there life in outer space? Does God Exist? Should Humans Travel in Space? Christ is the Master Source. How to Handle Fame. The Fragility of Mankind..are a few of the many thoughts by Former Astronaut James B. Irwin in More than Earthlings. Colonel Irwin was the eighth human being to tread on the surface of the moon. On the Apollo 15 mission, from July 26 to August 7, 1971, he served as lunar module pilot. While Colonel Al Worden orbited the moon in the command module, Irwin and mission commander Colonel Dave Scott explored Hadley Rille, and the Apennine Mountains on the moon. They collected 180 pounds of lunar surface material, including the famous "Genesis Rock." During the mission Colonel Irwin logged 295 hours and 11 minutes in space, 19 hours and 46 minutes outside the aircraft. Irwin testifies: "I am now more than an earthling because of my moon walk -- but in a spiritual sense, we can all be more than earthlings."