Mind/Body Health: The Effects of Attitudes, Emotions and Relationships (3rd Edition)
Mind/Body Health: The Effects of Attitudes, Emotions, and Relationships, Third Edition details the latest scientific findings regarding the relationship between the mind and body, and discusses how attitudes and emotions directly affect physical health and well-being. Written by an interdisciplinary team of authors, including a professional health educator who is deeply involved in Mind/Body research and an MD/Internist who specializes in Mind/Body practices, this text details current global findings on the relationship between the mind, body, and health. The authors show that negative emotions such as anger, depression, and anxiety can adversely affect physical health while positive emotions such as humor and optimism can serve to improve health and increase longevity. Relationships between physical health and spirituality, attitude, medicine, and various social factors are explored. The authors stress the importance of health choices and lifestyle factors on overall health and well-being, while laying groundwork for continued research in Mind/Body medicine in the 21st century. New to this edition is a chapter on the role nutrition plays in emotional, mental, and physical health. Psychoneuroimmunology - The Mind/Body Connection, The Impact of Stress on Health, The Disease - Prone Personality, Anger, Hostility, and Health, Worry, Fear, and Health, Depression, Despair, Anxiety, and Health, Insomnia and Sleep Deprivation: Health Effects and Treatment, The Disease - Resistant Personality, Social support, Relationships, and Health, Loneliness and Health, Marriage and Health, Families and Health, Grief, Bereavement, and Health, The Healing Power of Spirituality, Altruism and Health, The Healing Power of Hope and Optimism, Explanatory Style and Health, Locus of Control and Health, Self-Esteem and Health, The Healing Power of Humor and Laughter, Nutrition and Mind/Body Health, Behavior Medicine Treatment: Effects on Medical Outcomes and Costs, Methods of Intervention and the Principles of Stress Resilience For all readers interested in learning about the effects of attitudes, emotions, and relationships.