Discovering Smalltalk (The Benjamin/Cummings Series in Object-Oriented Software Engineering)
An expert in Smalltalk, Lalonde provides an up-to-date introduction to this language in this comprehensive new book. Readers learn Smalltalk's syntax, library, and environment as well as fundamental programming and object-oriented development concepts. The author takes an experimental approach that encourages creative thinking and the use of different problem-solving techniques. This approach helps readers develop the skills and the confidence necessary for complex programming as they complete various programming exercises and analyze their results. Professor LaLonde enhances learning by including numerous screen captures throughout the book to show the results of each of the programming experiments. Additionally, a series of case studies demonstrate real-world applications of Smalltalk. Discovering Smalltalk is ideal both for those who have never programmed before and for experienced programmers who want to learn this powerful object-oriented language.