Taber's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary, 21st Edition + Medical Terminology Systems, 6th Edition Package
The perfect word building and medical terminology package...
Taber’s 21 + Systems 6th Edition
Taber’s 21 is today’s most comprehensive health science dictionary. Under the editorial direction of Donald Venes, MD, MSJ, a team of expert consulting editors and consultants, representing every branch of health care, works with the Taber’s in-house editorial staff to ensure that the content reflects the state of the art.
- Cyclopedic entries that offer more than just definitions.
- More than 60,000 reader-friendly definitions, including 3,000 brand-new terms and 7,000 revised terms.
- Over 1,000 full-color illustrations in the book and DVD combined.
- More than 600 Patient Care Statements.
- Caution Statements with new, easy-to-find icon.
- Dozens of Allied Health and Nursing Appendices
- FREE Taber’sPlus DVD, Mac and PC compatible.
- 2 year access to Taber’s Online and Taber’s Mobile!
- So much more!
Systems 6th Edition is the perfect length for any course, this exceptional full-color, highly illustrated text/workbook uses a body system organization to focus on word building. This beautifully designed visual text combined with the audio CD, TermPlus 3.0, and student and instructor online tools is a unique learning package that’s a true blend of words, art, and technology.
Available in a Variety of Formats...
Medical Terminology Systems, 6th Edition (Text Only)
About $39.95 (US)|$41.95 (CAN)
ISBN-13: 978-0-8036-2090-2
Medical Terminology Systems, 6th Edition + Audio CD + TermPlus 3.0
About $49.95 (US)|$52.50 (CAN)
ISBN-13: 978-0-8036-2145-9
Word Building—the foundation for success begins with Barbara Gylys and the Body Systems Approach.
The med term approaches and how they differ…
- Most med terms books teach by memorization—the whole word approach.
- Memorize vocabulary and then try to recognize word patterns.
- Gylys uses the word-buildingapproach.
- First learn the patterns of medical words before you learn the vocabulary.
- Gylys takes a common sense approach, by introducing word elements first:
- Roots
- Combining forms
- Suffixes
- Prefixes
- She covers them one by one, breaking down each word part.
- Common English word elements are presented…
- This familiarity makes it easier for students to learn and break apart and build words.
- Students can use their understanding of word parts to decipher vocabulary.
- Mnemonic devices, interactive activities (in the book and on the CD) make word-building fun and this in turn increases retention…no more tedious memorization, students learn by breaking down and rebuilding words!
“From my years of teaching, I found it was much easier for students to learn word parts directly associated with a body system (or specialty area), and this has been the key to my approach in all of my texts and software products.”
—Barbara A. Gylys
Building a better med term book with amazing features…
- Even Better! Easier reading level—geared toward all learners.
- New! Body Systems Connections table:
- Identifies interrelationship of each body system
- Helps put each system into clear perspective
- New! Audio activities and TermPlus 3.0 CD-Rom
- New! Full-color medical records.
- More diagnostic and therapeutic procedures
- Packed with brilliant full-color illustrations
- Complete Medical Records and key terms fill each body system chapter
- Flash-card activities packed in every chapter
- Common psychiatric terms included
- Expanded pharmacology section includes most commonly used drugs
- Appendices:
- Appendix of generic and trade drugs
- Two-way word element index: by medical word element and by common English term
Audio CD-ROM
- Audio CD with more than 300 listen-and-learn activities
NEW! TermPlus 3.0 CD-ROM
- Competency-based, self-paced, multimedia program
- Now totally non-browser dependent and Mac and PC compatible
- Loaded with activities:
- Anatomy Focus
- Word-Building and Word-Breakdown activities
- Drag-and-Drop
- Programmed Learning
- Spelling
- 12 Crossword Puzzles
- 12 Word Scrambles
- 12 Terminology Teasers
- Chart Notes—11 activities in all
Instructor Resources—available on CD-ROM (Item 2143-5) and DavisPlus
- 24 Power Point slideshows
- Wimba Electronic Test Bank
- Nearly 1,250 multiple-choice, true/false, short answer, and matching items
- Interactive Teaching Tool
- Loaded with activities for each body system—52 in all!
- Activity pack:
- NEW! Available as separate Word files for custom use.
- NEW! Resource Kit—upload into Blackboard or other learning management system.
- NEW! Clinical Connection Activities
- Crossword Puzzles
- Master Transparencies
- Suggested syllabi for various course lengths
- Supplemental medical record activities
- Activity pack (available exclusively on DavisPlus):
- Image bank with approximately 150 images