The First Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians (Tyndale New Testament Commentaries)
In this most intensely practical of all of St. Paul's letters the principles so necessary for the life and service of the Christian church are clearly and forcibly presented. Writing that the study of Paul's first letter to the Corinthians "is immensely rewarding," Dr. Morris continues, "This letter arises out of the practical difficulties besetting a far-from-ideal first-century Greek church. Here we have a typical Paulie letter. The apostle praises his correspondents for their Christian virtues, and rebukes them roundly for their many failings. He adds to their knowledge with some great passages, notably his discussion of love in chapter 13 and of the resurrection in chapter 15. Whatever he touches he deals with in the light of great Christian principles. He sees things temporal always in the light of things eternal. What he writes has relevance to our own, in many ways very different, needs."