Your Wife Can Be Your Best Friend: A Practical Guide for Husbands
This biblical truth has great ramifications for the marital relationship, far beyond merely physical interactions. The biblical objective for a husband is to dwell with his wife in understanding; in other words, be her best friend.Author and marriage seminar teacher, Clarence Shuler, brings his extensive experience to bear upon his new book, Your Wife Can Be Your Best Friend. Recognizing that many men struggle in their marriages, Shuler directly addresses common areas of difficulty, offering hope and encouragement. He presents biblical guidance on the main source of and solution to these struggles.Recognizing there are few resources to prepare for marriage or assist men in becoming better husbands, Shuler seeks to fill this void with practical applications of biblical principles. He covers topics such as:CommunicationThe Proper Sexual RelationshipThe Changing SpouseCompetitionMake your wife your best friend, your closest companion. With the guidance of Clarence Shuler, you can have the fulfilling marriage God intends for you!