Some Through the Fire (Valkyries Series)
This book, out of print from its original publisher (Moody Press), is now available as a Kindle edition. The Kindle version provides both Volume 1 and Volume 2 as a single edition.
Valkyries tells the story of a teenage girl in the '70s who commits herself to Jesus at a tent meeting and is then immediately plunged into her family's traumatic breakup, which results in violent abuse from her father and neglect from her mother. Finally sent away to a Catholic boarding school for girls, Tracey recognizes some hard truths about her own anger and her inability to possess inner goodness - in spite of being a Christian. She also discovers, in the course of things, an unexpected talent for basketball.Some Through the Fire follows Tracey's story from her commitment to Christ to her exile at a Catholic boarding school. About the title: The Valkyrie, a female warrior from Norse mythology, is the basketball team's mascot - but this mythological figure takes on much deeper significance for Tracey as she struggles for spiritual victory.