Timber Supply, Land Allocation, and Economic Efficiency (RFF Press)
"Hyde's book explains some of the economic theory which is relevant for modelling long run timber supply and the optimal allocation of forest land to timber production and to other uses, principally recreation. He applies this analysis to two case studies from the important Douglas fir region (roughly the area of Oregon and Washington west of the Cascade crest) which produces about one quarter of the nation's softwood timber... The book is well written. Hyde's prose is clear, and his style is accessible. One might quibble with the organization of parts of the book (e.g. why does the material on the Forest Service management precede the general economic model). Used as a text in my graduate course in natural resource economics, the book was given consistently good reviews. Any economist concerned with timber supply and the management of public lands should read Timber Supply, Land Allocation and Economic Efficiency."-- Journal of Economic Literature, March 1982