New Testament Commentary: James and I-III John
Simon J. Kistemaker's first contribution to the New Testament Commentary, an exposition of Hebrews published in 1984, moved the first reviewer to describe him as "a worthy successor" to William Hendriksen. Kistemaker's second volume, Exposition of the Epistles of James and John, lends additional credence to this claim.This newest addition to the New Testament Commentary shares the strengths of previous volumes, striking a delicate balance between scholarly and practical concerns, between exegetical and homiletical material. The New Testament Commentary continues to be one of the finest tools for the evangelical who wishes to study a biblical book in detail, particularly in preparation for preaching or teaching that book.The author introduces the epistle of James and those of John, outlines each epistle in detail, comments on the text, offers "practical considerations" that help one "apply" the text, and comments on Greek words, phrases, and constructions. Footnotes provide documentation and additional discussion.