The Summarized Bible
From the Preface: Chiefly for the purpose of stimulating Christians to take up the chapter method of Bible study, this work is compiled. It is designed to act as an aid to the ordinary reader in gathering into a nutshell, as it were, the definite spiritual lessons for the daily life contained in every chapter of the Bible. Many of the statements contained in the conclusions will be found to be familiar, and the writer does not claim originality throughout the work. The work was compiled largely from notes made in the margins of the authors Bible, kept, for the most part without regard to their sources. The course through the Bible, chapter by chapter, may well be used as a system of daily devotional reading, and we commend it for that purpose as it gives the Word of God its proper place. The striking facts will center the reader's attention upon Jesus Christ, while the strong verses may often be taken as promises for the day or as memory verses. The work is also adapted to be used as a textbook for teaching chapter summary work. Members of a class may be required to work out for themselves the points suggested on each chapter. The comparing of their leading lessons will make most interesting class work. The teacher may then read the statements given in the Summarized Bible as a guide to the student. The Summarized Bible will also be found of value as a reference work. KEITH L. BROOKS founded the American Prophetic League of Los Angeles in 1930. He was the author of numerous Bible study courses, books, and tracts. Although Keith passed away in 1954, his wife, Laura, continued the ministry of the American Prophetic League until 1960. The League's Prophecy Monthly eventually merged with Moody Bible Institute's Moody Monthly. The published Bible study became the Teach Yourself the Bible Series from Moody Publishers.