Making It Right When You Feel Wronged: Getting Past Unresolved Hurts
Unresolved hurts devastate relationships and poison hearts. In his pastoral ministry of more than 25 years, Jeff Wickwire has seen it happen time and again. In Making It Right When You Feel Wronged, he draws on these experiences to lead the reader on a journey of insight and healing. Discussing how offenses occur and the trail of bitterness they leave behind, Wickwire prepares the reader to better understand the model Jesus sets for resolving hurts. He looks at how Bible characters confronted offenses, whether rightly or wrongly, and the consequences they faced. Then he uses Jesus' teachings to lay out clear steps to follow on the path toward freedom that comes only in forgiveness and release. For pastors and church leaders, Wickwire offers priceless insight into dealing with dissension in congregations. Honest and practical, this book has something to offer every Christian who has felt the sting of offense at home, church, or work.