My Dream of Heaven
What can we expect to see and hear as we enter the gates of heaven? Will we know our loved ones there? Throughout the years Christians have awaited the fulfillment of their greatest hope: reunion with Christ. As believers we have assurance of eternal life as promised in the Bible. Yet the expectation of our own joy and that of loved ones is often overshadowed and veiled behind fears of the unknown. As we are faced with the death of loved ones and sorrow in our own and others' losses, we become sharply aware of just how dim our view of eternity can be. A century ago, Rebecca Ruter Springer suffered from a severe illness that kept her in a balance in which eternal glories became real. She received a glimpse of heaven that she felt compelled to share. To her, heaven became a reality - a truth she knew would bring comfort to many believers who sorrow over the loss of loved ones and who fear their own death. Rebecca Ruter Springer understood these fears and shared her vision in order to alleviate them. Her words brought instruction and comfort years ago, they have helped many sorrowing hearts through the years, and they will bring you the same comfort today. My Dream OF Heaven unfolds a joyful description of the mansions of heaven, the river of life, and greetings of loved ones. It is a glimpse so comforting and so peaceful that it will leave you rejoicing at the happiness reflected there and desirous for the day when this fleeting glance will become an enthralling gaze at Christ and His Kingdom.